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Composer: Forest for the Trees

Forest for the Trees - Planet Unknown lyrics

C. Stephenson)

Distress signal coming from
Beyond the depths of space and time
A long time had passed
Since the message was sent
It may be too late
They didn't understand or recognize
The true nature of the sign
That it was coming from
A possible future
A warning of what may have been

The Planet Unknown

And it's so strange
To experience
A phase transition of the mind
What we could do
And what we will do
That's a question for mankind
Chaotic clouds of signals crossing over
In and out of time
Paradoxical abstractions
Mix and mingle so sublime
Songs list of album: Forest for the Trees (1997)
         Title Rating
01   Dream lyrics   -
02   Infinite Cow lyrics   -
03   Fall lyrics   -
04    You Create the Reason lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Tree lyrics   -
06   Wet Paint lyrics   -
07   Stream lyrics   -
08   Ohm lyrics   -
09   Algorithm lyrics   -
10   Green Light Street lyrics   -
11   Planet Unknown lyrics   -
12    Thoughts in My Head lyrics Add lyrics   -

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