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Composer: Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono - Rainbow Revelation lyrics

Bless you for your anger,

Its a sign of rising energy,

Direct not to your family,

Waste not on your enemy.

If you turn it to love,

Itll bring you happiness,

Bless you for your anger,

Its a sign of rising energy.

Bless you for your sorrow,

Its a sign of vulnerability,

Direct not to your family,

Direct not to yourself.

If you turn it to love,

Itll give you happiness,

Bless you for your sorrow,

Its a sign of vulnerability.

Bless you, bless you, bless you,

For the times you feel no love.

Open your heart to breath and live,

In time youll find love in you.

Bless you for your greed,

Its a sign of great capacity,

Direct not to your family,

Direct not to the world.

If you turn it to love,

Youll find your happiness,

Bless you for your greed,

Its a sign of great capacity.

Bless you, bless you, bless you,

Bless you for what you are.

Just remember you are loved,

Remember, I love you.
Songs list of album: Starpeace (1985)
         Title Rating
01    Hell in Paradise lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   I Love All of Me lyrics   -
03   Children Power lyrics   -
04   Rainbow Revelation lyrics   -
05    The King of the Zoo lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Remember Raven lyrics   -
07   Cape Clear lyrics   -
08   Sky People lyrics   -
09    You and I lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    It's Gonna Rain (Living on Tiptoe) lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Starpeace lyrics   -
12   I Love You, Earth lyrics   -
13    Imagine [live/#] lyrics Add lyrics   -

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