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Composer: Chris Conley

Saves the Day - Seeing It This Way lyrics

I never thought I could watch someone come apart from the insides to outsides
but every day I see strings fall loose
and every day I see hope lost-
with all this complicated I can't even get pass the thought of thinking
and wondering whether help or understanding rings truer
and I don't know how to do anything anymore for you
but I know that you should stop this world spinning right this minute
and take a look from higher up
and then you could realize just how broken your aim really is
so why don't you ask yourself to show up sometimes?
why don't you stand up tall and kick yourself in the mouth
to remember and to get that burn back
and scorch your stomach and bleed that passion lost
and don't forget what picked you up and don't forget to think this time
Songs list of album: Can't Slow Down (1998)
         Title Rating
01   Deciding lyrics   -
02   The Choke lyrics   -
03   Handsome Boy lyrics   -
04   Blindfolded lyrics   -
05   Collision lyrics   -
06   Three Miles Down lyrics   -
07   Always Ten Feet Tall lyrics   -
08   Nebraska Bricks lyrics   -
09   Seeing It This Way lyrics   -
10    Hot Time in Delaware lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Houses and Billboards lyrics   -
12   Obsolete lyrics   -
13    Sometimes, New Jersey lyrics Add lyrics   -
14   Jodie lyrics   -

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