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Composer: Greg Dulli

The Twilight Singers - Martin Eden lyrics

Black out the windows

I'ts pary time

You know how I love stormy weather

So, let's all play suicide

The crowd wants you bleeding

The eyes from your head

Get off your knees

You'll be fine-

How wide?

How deep the river?

Black-as dark as night

How long?

How far?

I'll know when I get to the other side

Whatever it is you've stolen

I'll recognize

I'll sympathize

I reckon that I've seen it all-

and start falling-

I breathe in

Unchain myself-

Tonite's the night

No wind, rain, conversation-

Brings me back alive tonite

How wide?

How deep the river black as night?

Black out the windows

It's party time

I see a light

That I recognize...
Songs list of album: Blackberry Belle (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Martin Eden lyrics   -
02   Esta Noche lyrics   -
03   Teenage Wristband lyrics   -
04    St. Gregory lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   The Killer lyrics   -
06    Decatur St. lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Papillon lyrics   -
08   Follow You Down lyrics   -
09   Feathers lyrics   -
10   Fat City (Slight Return) lyrics   -
11    Number Nine lyrics Add lyrics   -

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