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Composer: Eleanor McEvoy

Eleanor McEvoy - Go Now lyrics

Forget your things
I'll send them on to you
All your letters
I'll see that you get them too
I'll make sure that you'll recieve
Messages that your friends leave
But please now, leave now
I'll call you later on

Go now go now, before my tears begin to spill
Oh, won't you go now, before they flood my face
For I have not much time you see
Except what pride that's left to me so
Go now, go now, before I lose that too

Leave the talking
'Till some future time ahead
The analysing
That's really better left unsaid
But may be you could be the one to
Tell our friends what we have done
But please now, leave now
And shut the door behind

Go now go now, before my tears begin to spill
Oh, won't you go now, before they flood my face
For I have not much time you see
Except what pride that's left to me so
Goo now, go now, before I lose that too
Songs list of album: Eleanor McEvoy (1997)
         Title Rating
01   Finding Myself Lost Again lyrics   -
02   Only a Woman's Heart lyrics   -
03   Apologise lyrics   -
04    Boundaries of Your Mind lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   For You lyrics   -
06   Go Now lyrics   -
07   It's Mine lyrics   -
08   Not Quite Love lyrics   -
09   Promises We Keep lyrics   -
10    Music of It All lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Leave Her Now lyrics   -
12   Breathing Hope lyrics   -
13   Stray Thoughts lyrics   -

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