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Composer: Itaal Shur, Kinky

Kinky - Not Afraid lyrics

They say dreams enter from the feet,
so they recommed bare feet to sleep
If you wants Morpheus* with you

They say the trees wear their clothes backwards:
In the summer the wear leaf coats
and in the winter they take them off.

I'm not afraid of the world, I'm not afraid to rollercoster.

They say comets are like animals with large and bright tails
and they gallop through the night.
They say rugs are just floors with over grown hair
and the broom is the comb, the vacum is the Blow-dryer

I sleep and dream well, bare feet during night
I'm a good rider of the comets light but even
though i believe.
I'm a tree i can't stand outside naked with the breeze

*The greek god of dreams - El dios griego de los sueños
Songs list of album: Atlas (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Presidente lyrics   -
02    The Headphonist lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Snapshot lyrics   -
04    Salta-Lenin-El-Atlas lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Do U Like It? lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    Airport Feelings lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Pos Que Se Vengan lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Minotauro lyrics   -
09   Not Afraid lyrics   -
10    My God Is So Quiet lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    Maria Jose lyrics Add lyrics   -

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