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Composer: Roger Martinez

Vengeance Rising - Raegoul lyrics

In a split second of time, I realize it is over at least that is this life

And in my mind, where ever it was, I rolled it over

How had I lived? And what had I done with my life in Christ?

Just then a smile came in, to the half that was not fried

The smile looked at me and whispered, "Well done", "by the way, my name is


Raegoul, now to wonder

Raegoul, always on his mind

He was, as he was, when he was, walking down the stairs

The stairs, where the lair, of deception had taken place, there

But from this he was spared through the truth, as the truth was, for those

who cared

But a trap is a trap, and I guess only the unsuspecting are snared

Others are not, but are there, scared, bared, dared, pared, teared

He saw with his eyes, and the his eye, what was, what is, and what will be

And it was moments before, through-out the ages of history

Raegoul, worked toward eternity

Raegoul, did today

Raegoul thought about his mother who was about to die

A tear was dried by the speed and the heat of the time

The pressure of it all was really not there

Because only what was done for Christ at this point really mattered

Perspectives, perspectives, the way an event can make you see

That which is now, and that which will be

The river of time has currents that are winding toward an ocean it is

already a part of

However until the last turn of the bend, those floating downstream never

really seem to believe that

Mind, fried, sizzled, snap - and yet stronger than before

The tears of compassion, causing me to curl on the floor

Reaching out from within yet not reaching, yet reaching

Knowing the end long before you get there, is a comforting thing in a time

like this

Raegoul, God watches you

Raegoul, you've won

This is it, and this it is, this is just what it is, what is it, just what

is, just this what

And with answers too, no need to ask, there's plenty here, just don't ask

about, what it's about

And round about then, it'll all sort out
Songs list of album: Destruction Comes (1991)
         Title Rating
01   You Can't Stop It lyrics   -
02   The Rising lyrics   -
03    Before the Time lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    The Sword lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   He Don't Own Nothing lyrics   -
06   Countless Corpses lyrics   -
07   Thanatos lyrics   -
08   You Will Bow lyrics   -
09    Hyde Under Pressure lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Raegoul lyrics   -

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