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Composer: Roger Martinez

Vengeance Rising - You Will Bow lyrics

Let's think about

Let us now think, for a moment about we of Israel

And are you one of us, here is how you can tell

In your life, if you daily to the throne do bring

Your living sacrifice, and allegiance to the King

More than just some word, and perfect I know far from we are

But yet you desire to be in His will, and His word and to Him

You Will Bow

But now, there's another side, a thought that's not so cool

There are those of you, who play the satanic fool

You mock and curse, and think that you will get away

But you will have to face the fact the scripture states, and it is

You Will Bow

Turn now, because you will soon have to anyway

As to your savior or your judge, and you'll obey

Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord

To His Holy righteousness you see, one way or another

Don't forget
Songs list of album: Destruction Comes (1991)
         Title Rating
01   You Can't Stop It lyrics   -
02   The Rising lyrics   -
03    Before the Time lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    The Sword lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   He Don't Own Nothing lyrics   -
06   Countless Corpses lyrics   -
07   Thanatos lyrics   -
08   You Will Bow lyrics   -
09    Hyde Under Pressure lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Raegoul lyrics   -

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