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Composer: Ted Kirkpatrick

Tourniquet - Stereotaxic Atrocities lyrics

Lead - Lenaire)
Brilliant scientific enterprise
The alltruistic benefit of human justifies
A white lab coat represents the icon
Eradicate disease, the pedestal it stood on
lies shattered on the floor

Just another day, the dead half a million lay
Your taxes will foot the bill, supply animals to kill

Stinging infusion of chemical
The moribund patient clings to the wall
Another scapegoat to suffer for our sickening vices
You cut their neck, they cut your check
Endless barrage of repetition, satisfies your need
Of colleague competition

Pseudo scientist watches in fascination
As electrode-ridden monkey #32
Has his dignity completely destroyed
We need another $200,000 to find a scientific reason
why cats land on their feet
Feline fuel for the incinerator

Even though this test will not help the human mess
Continue it anyway, the car payment's due today
(Lead - Mendez)

Songs list of album: Psycho Surgery (1992)
         Title Rating
01   Psycho Surgery lyrics   -
02   A Dog's Breakfast lyrics   -
03    Viento Borrascoso (Devastating Wind) lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Vitals Fading lyrics   -
05   Spineless lyrics   -
06   Dysfunctional Domicile lyrics   -
07   Broken Chromosomes lyrics   -
08   Stereotaxic Atrocities lyrics   -
09   Officium Defunctorum lyrics   -

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