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Composer: Easter, Kirkpatrick

Tourniquet - Convoluted Absolutes lyrics

I feel numb

And think we're half asleep

Our collective sense of outrage

Has gone the way dodo birds and Model T's

We're being trained

We tell them what they want just to appease

It's the end of absolutes

Welcome to the death of meaning

Mice will run a maze for cheese

Koko signs her A - B - C's we think she's talking to her kitten in the corner

Pavlov's dogs would drool if they could hear their chiming cue

Just like them we've been conditioned

We're going dumb

Have we forgotten how to speak

Would mute cries fall on deafened ears

If we could get ourselves to give voice to our pleas

We're so well trained

That's the way it is and so we'll let it be

If there are no absolutes

Our objections have no meaning

Birds will learn to talk for treats

Flipper laughed and danced to please and avoid electrocution

Pavlov's dogs would drool if they could hear their chiming cue

Just like them we've been conditioned

Feeling numb

Half asleep

Being trained

We're just like sheep

Going dumb

We never speak

So well trained

The truth we never seek
Songs list of album: Where Moth & Rust Destroy (2003)
         Title Rating
01    Where Moth and Rust Destroy lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Restoring the Locust Years lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    Drawn and Quartered lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    A Ghost at the Wheel lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Architeuthis lyrics   -
06    Melting the Golden Calf lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Convoluted Absolutes lyrics   -
08    Healing Waters of the Tigris lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   In Death We Rise lyrics   -

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