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Composer: Conor Oberst

Bright Eyes - Cleanse Song lyrics

Hear the chimes, did you know that the wind when it blows
It is older than Rome and all of this sorrow
See the new pyramids down in old Manhattan
From the roof of a friend's I watched an empire ending
Heard it loud and long the river's Om
Time marching on to a madman's drum

Don't forget what you've learned all you give is returned
And if life seems absurd what you need is some laughter
And a season to sleep and a place to get clean
Maybe Los Angeles, somewhere no one is expecting
On a detox loft through a Glendale Park over sidewalk chalk
Someone wrote in red, "start over"
So I muffled my scream on an Oxnard beach
Full of fever dreams that scare you sober
Into saltless dinners

Take the fruit from the tree, break the skin with your teeth
Is it bitter or sweet? All depends on your timing
Like a meeting of chance with the train station glance
Many lifetimes had past in a instant reminded
Of a millstone house in a seaside town
When your heart gave out in a mission bed
So your wife gave birth to a funeral dirge
You woke up purged as a wailing infant
In Krug Thep, Thailand

Hear the chimes, did you know that the wind when it blows
It is older than Rome and our joy and our sorrow.
Songs list of album: Cassadaga (2007)
         Title Rating
01   Clairaudients (Kill or Be Killed) lyrics   -
02   Four Winds lyrics   -
03   If the Brakeman Turns My Way lyrics   -
04   Hot Knives lyrics   -
05   Make a Plan to Love Me lyrics  
06   Soul Singer in a Session Band lyrics   -
07   Classic Cars lyrics   -
08   Middleman lyrics   -
09   Cleanse Song lyrics   -
10   No One Would Riot for Less lyrics   -
11   Coat Check Dream Song lyrics   -
12   I Must Belong Somewhere lyrics   -
13   Lime Tree lyrics   -

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